Genomics Publications
Counselling considerations for chromosomal mosaicism detected by preimplantation genetic screening.
Optimal euploid embryo transfer strategy, fresh versus frozen, after preimplantation genetic screening with next generation sequencing: a randomized controlled trial.
Differences in pregnancy outcomes in donor egg frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycles following preimplantation genetic screening (PGS): a single center retrospective study.
Validation of next-generation sequencing for comprehensive chromosome screening of embryos.
Use of suboptimal sperm increases the risk of aneuploidy of the sex chromosomes in preimplantation blastocyst embryos.
Germline gene therapy: making the case for embryonic mitochondrial modification.
American College of Medical Genetics
Tampa, FL | March 2016
Preimplantation genetic screening: factors influencing patient decision-making.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine
San Antonio, TX | October 2017
Salt Lake City, UT | October 2016
Transfer fresh or vitrify after blastocyst biopsy – results of a RCT.
The role of the genetic counselor in the preimplantation genetic screening decision.
No diagnosis after day 3 biopsy: indicative of embryo prognosis or biopsy error.
Planning for the future: how many eggs do patients need to harvest to achieve their fertility goals?
High variability in chromosome abnormality rates in embryos from young infertile women.
Baltimore, MD | October 2015
CCS improves pregnancy outcomes in egg donor FET cycles.
Honolulu, HI | October 2014
Egg donor aneuploidy rates significantly differ between fertility centers.
Results of embryo testing using a direct mutation test for fragile X syndrome.
Boston, MA | October 2013
Strategy for euploid embryo banking.
San Diego, CA | October 2012
Factors affecting implantation rate after trophectoderm biopsy and vitrification
European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
Helsinki, Finland – July 2016
Why do euploid embryos miscarry? A retrospective study comparing aneuploidy rates within presumed euploid embryos resulting in miscarriage or live birth using next-generation sequencing (NGS)
Lisbon, Portugal | July 2015
Elective frozen-thawed vs fresh transfer of euploid embryos identified by comprehensive chromosome analysis using next generation sequencing – interim analysis of a randomized controlled trial.
National Society of Genetic Counselors
Columbus, OH – September 2017
The Impact of Genetic Counselor Assessment on Egg Donor Screening: a Two-Year Pilot Study.
Seattle, WA – September 2016
The benefit of genetic counseling in the preimplantation genetic screening decision.